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Events at Inspired Souls Praise And Worship Center


Morning Glory

You're invited to come worship with us every Sunday at 7:45am. We're REAL PEOPLE, that loves to serve a REAL GOD to produce REAL TRANSFORMATION.

Refreshing Fire

Refreshing Fire Revival

Refreshing Fire Revival experience reignite the fire in your ministry to bring a fresh wind and fresh fire to the body of Christ. Bring the Refreshing Fire Revival to your ministry or city. Contact for more information.

My Vison Will Become My Reality

My Vision Will Become My Reality

A vision not written will soon be forgotten. A vison is conceived with the mind. To have sight without vision is worst that being born blind. Write the vision and make it plain, have faith that is going to come to pass. To become truly successful in life, your vision must become your ambition.


Purchase from Amazon or our site store today.

It's A New Day

It's A New Day

Have you ever gone to sleep at night and prayed that it was your last? Have you ever wished that your life, as you know it, was over? Have you ever felt that you were the lowest of lows and the darkest of dark? You are not alone! At the end of each dark and gloomy day, comes the morning! A new day, a new you, a new opportunity. A new chance to renew your mind, body and soul. Embrace your new!


Purchase today from Amazon or our site store today.


The Empowerment Theological Institute and Bible Seminary

If you're interested in furthering your Higher Education, ETIBS is here to help. Contact ETIBS today and tell them Dr. Eddie Johson refereed you.

Events: What's Happening
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